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Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Green Movement: get your greens

Molly Donahue  
If you’re looking to add a bit of green to your diet, smoothies lend themselves as a delicious quick fix. Green? Smoothies? That’s right. Observers might give you a questionable look as you continue to add handfuls spinach to a blender splashing with an array of fruit, but the nutritional benefits and taste will counter any disbelief.
Angela Liddon from the vegan food blog Oh She Glows is one person standing behind the idea of green smoothies or as she calls them ‘Green Monsters.’ There is an entire website devoted to this idea of Green Monsters. A Green Monster consists of any green leafy vegetable, usually spinach, mixed with your usual smoothie ingredients. A common Green Monster might include any type of liquid, banana, ice, and a few cups of raw spinach. Simple.

Image from Oh She Glows blog

The website Green Monster Movement provides many recipes and also allows readers to submit their own recipes as well.
If you are feeling a need for more health benefits, try adding ground flax seed, protein powder, or chia seeds. Pumpkin, cinnamon, honey, carob powder and agave nectar also make great additions. Other leafy greens such as kale, beet-top greens, parsley or even wheatgrass can be added to your Green Monster. It is recommended to rotate the greens that you eat for a variety of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.
The smoothies are credited as energy boosters as well as helping to fulfill the daily recommended fruit and vegetable servings. It is recommended to rotate the greens that you eat for a variety of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants.
This may be just another health kick that the fitness guru’s have dreamt up, but luckily this trend won’t set you back much money and it is guaranteed to give you some added nutrition. So go green, or rather go blue! - but eat greens!

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