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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Coffee: More than just a morning fix

Emily Kastl  
Pizza, Ramen, frozen meals, Easy Mac, and coffee: what do these things have in common? They are all essential components of the average college student’s diet. One thing these staples do not have in common is health benefits—or lack thereof. It’s no secret foods like Ramen and frozen meals contain enough sodium to turn you into a salt block, and pizza…well, we know there are better choices for a late night snack (although, according to Congress, pizza counts as a serving of veggies).But what about coffee? Since I’ve been known to drink a cup or 2—or 5—a day, I thought it might be worth checking out what it’s doing to my body. I was elated to come across the article 7 Benefits of Coffee. At long last I have found scientifically-supported justification for my slight addiction to this sweet, sweet caffeinated nectar.

1.) According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology, the caffeine in coffee can help sharpen your proofreading abilities. So before you grab your red pen, grab a cup of java. Maybe your next paper grade will reflect this decision.
2.) A Harvard study found that women who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day have a lower risk of depression. This is a result of caffeine regulating the release of certain chemicals in the brain that affect mood.
3.) Coffee helps fight Alzheimer’s disease. The caffeine in your cup of joe helps increase the production of the granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF), a growth factor which helps prevent this type of dementia.
4.) According to a study conducted at Harvard, men who drink 6 or more cups a day have a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. Drink up, fellas!
5.) The American Association for Cancer Research recently announced that coffee might help combat the development of basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer. You’ll only reap these benefits from drinking caffeinated coffee though; better get a shot of espresso in your next cup for good measure!
6.) Coffee may help ward off the risk of Type II diabetes.
7.) Your chances of developing Parkinson’s disease could decrease by up to 25% if you drink 3 or more cups of coffee each day.

Though scientists are looking further into the benefits of coffee, I can’t help but get excited about these preliminary findings. In a world where so many foods and drinks are labeled as “unhealthy” and “dangerous,” it’s refreshing to find something that’s delicious AND good for you. So, the next time you’re at your favorite café, go ahead and order the grande—you might be fighting disease!

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