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Friday, January 27, 2012

Paula Deen's Caloric Conundrum

Katie Trucco  
What does fried macaroni and cheese have in common with Krispy-Kreme donut bread pudding? Both contain unfathomable amounts of butter, weeks worth of calories, and they both originated in the kitchen of Paula Deen. She’s the television chef known for her butter-happy recipes and smothering dishes, all served warm with a big southern smile. Watching her prepare her sugary masterpieces is often cringe-worthy as she unwraps stick after stick of butter and drops them ever so gently into her mixing bowls while making a simple shrimp and wild rice casserole.

Just look at that big southern smile.

For years, Paula has made these dishes with impressive ease, and unlike many others in her field, she seems to actually eat and enjoy what she makes. Unfortunately, that has come with a price, as she announced a short time ago that she has been living with Type II Diabetes for the last three years. Her situation has come as no surprise to some, given her wildly unhealthy meals – she has featured deep-fried cheesecake on her show, and has shown viewers how to make a “lasagna sandwich.” After she announced her diagnosis, she claimed that she has altered her eating habits and “has always eaten in moderation.” While it is sad to see someone sacrifice their health and well-being for what they love, many are hoping that this turn in Paula’s eating style will encourage her to promote healthier eating to her fans. Her website now features “Figure Friendly” recipes, and her sons, Bobby and Jamie, are following in their mom’s culinary footsteps and have created some lighter dishes such as sweet and sour turkey meatballs. It is probably safe to say that the three of them will probably be laying off of the butter for quite some time!

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